Renee and Ben – wedding at Novotel

Renee and Ben – wedding at Novotel

It was bound to be an awesome day, not even the rain would stop the festivities. The following photographs depict the love story of Ben and Renee.Two generous lovebirds who have their hands on their hearts. The venue was the Novotel Resort at Twin Waters on the Sunshine Coast. It’s been a while that I took these photos, but as I look back over them, I see the universal rule is broken. It’s amazing the amount of helping hands Renee had! She was ready in a flash. I went to see what the boys were up to and they were maxin’ and chilaxin’ playing gold, drinking beers, trundling along… In all fairness, it didn’t take them long to get ready, but I was very impressed by Renee and her Eveready bridesmaids. Ladies, I take my hat off to you for such a fantastic effort.

I should also mention that Musician and DJ Carl Wockner was pretty awesome too. I danced my pants off till the party ended!

Renee and Ben, I wish you both a very happy and fulfilled marriage. You are both wonderful people and truly deserve to be happy. I hope you enjoy these photographs as much as I enjoyed taking them.

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One comment

  1. Renee smith says:

    Thanks Henry for our awesome photographs! You definately captured every special moment of our day. You were very easy to get along with and weren’t intrusive at all. Loved every single photo. Was very hard to pick our favourite one.
    Thanks again Ben and Renee Smith

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