Brisbane Wedding Photographer – Pauline + Michael

Brisbane Wedding Photographer Henry Gomez at Ye’ Old Courthouse

Brisbane wedding photographer Henry Gomez headed out to Cleveland Point’s Old Courthouse Restaurant to shoot a semi traditional Chinese wedding. Pauline and Michael would have to be the most gentle and generous people I have met. Their story is a happy and sad one at the same time, but on this very special day, smiles were all round… And if there were any tears, they were tears of happiness.

I’m not sure if the Hello Kitty dolls attached to the grill of the heavily bored out Chev smallblock engine caused it to overheat, but the bride and groom made a grand entrance in the back of a Toyota Hilux 4 x 4 pick up. Pauline was glorious in her wedding dress and white Uggboots. The groom sang the most beautiful song I had ever heard (Michael Jackson’s “Ben”) – it had the whole audience in tears of laughter.

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