The Family Reunion

The Family Reunion

This was The Family Reunion where Merrick and Barbara’s wanted to capture the beauty and craftsmanship that went into building their house. Merrick is a renovating guru – he built this house with his bare hands. Literally. He toiled and laboured, brick-by-brick, trowel stroke-by trowel stroke. It has taken him all of 30 years to get to this stage. He has a little bit to go but I tell you what – being a part-time renovator myself, I can fully understand the labour of love that has gone into this house.
It’s enough to make one go mad, and if you don’t go mad, then the people around you will do it on your behalf!
Love you guys, and I am truly honoured to have been able to capture this beautiful family moment. I especially liked the convict made bricks – complete with Possum footprints. They add to the story behind this very unique house.

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