St Andrew’s uniting Church Brisbane wedding

St Andrew’s uniting Church Brisbane wedding

My good friends Catja and Keane tied the knot in a beautiful St Andrew’s uniting Church Brisbane wedding. I was absolutely blown away by the lead lighting at the church, and the reception took place at the Brisbane International Hotel in Virginia.

They left their St Andrew’s Uniting Church Brisbane wedding in a shiny Rolls Royce, and man, that ride was sweet. When we arrived at the Brisbane International, I caught a glimpse of the most original wedding cake I ever saw. He is an AFL (Australian Football League) player and she is a Swedish Chef… huh, sorry I meant to say Swedish Viking. Yes, that’s absolutely accurate. But you could never tell from their wedding cake!

Although I was not the official wedding photographer (being a close friend and all) I managed to squeeze in a few shots here and there. I have included a few shots here for your enjoying pleasure.

It was a truly memorable day and it was so good to see Catja with such a big smile on her face. CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU BOTH!!!

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